The world is constantly growing, and this process will never stop! Our population is getting bigger and more importantly, more aware of consuming organic food and use environmentally friendly products.
Our mission is to protect that ideal wholeheartedly and at the same time your health and the sheer beauty of mother nature.
As a long-term farming family, we have the experience of being farmers for over 90 years. We have observed many different approaches of nurturing the earth over the years both good and bad.
Our goal is simple no artificially made components that are added to the soil which are causing diseases and abnormal glorification of us humans and our bodies. Among many aspects of healthy living and protecting mother nature we are constantly improving the standards of our own living on the farm. All of our products are packed in the most environmentally friendly way as feasibly possible.
We are proud, grateful and absolutely overjoyed that our product can be serving you and your family's personal health. As a fully certified organic farm we are under both EU and Polish jurisdiction and agricultural law to make sure our service is accordingly up to the highest possible organic based standards.
We are and we want to continue to be a shining example to every organic farmer…. to prove that the most naturally done products have a higher likelihood of longevity than short term gratifications and gains of artificially done goods.
Benefits in health, forest wildlife, ecosystems, atmospheric pollution, and protecting bigger and smaller organisms that benefit from our organic approach to treat mother nature are priceless to us.